Exchange & Returns

How do I cancel my order?

Orders placed with us can be cancelled within 24 hours after making the payment. You can cancel the order by sending us an email at or by contacting our customer care number at +91 33 8910129902. Your order cancellation will be confirmed only once you receive an email confirmation from us. We can only cancel the orders that have not been packaged and shipped by us with the full amount being refunded to you within 10 working days from the cancellation confirmation either through online bank transfer or cheque payment. Order in transit cannot be cancelled.

Our return policy

Before a client makes a purchase, we make sure they are completely confident in their decision by interacting with them and giving them thorough information on the item (s). Additionally, we promise that the artwork will match the images and videos that were given with you.  However, as the products are hand made, there could be a possible deviation in colour, shape and weight (+/- 200- 500 gram) . Also due to photos being taken through different devices and lighting conditions the colour may vary from devices to devices. We do not accept returns because the majority of the products in our collection are one-of-a-kind and shipping is complicated because the goods are fragile or bulky.

However, we will set things right by coming up with a workable solution in the extremely uncommon scenario that you receive an item that is damaged. This might entail product replacement, repair, or even return in specific circumstances.

We request our customers to make an opening video of parcels as guided by our shipping partners to ensure that there is any damage due to mishandling. After reviewing the package opening videos our quality team decides on the refund or exchange. Once the decision has been made we create a return for the parcel and once we receive the returned product we either send another item or we refund the amount to the customer as requested. We process all returns within 7-10 working days after the return package has been received.

request for exchange or refund should be lodged within 5 days after delivery.
The exchange or return will take place only if there is an uncut/non-edited
package opening video.

We are pleased to inform you that since our establishment, not a single customer has been dissatisfied with their purchase, and has no request for a return.


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